What Should I Major in?
The Choice is Yours
There is not a particular major needed to go to law school. Law schools require a four-year degree from an accredited college or university. The most common pre-law majors are Political Science, History, English, and Sociology.
Which Classes Should I Take?
While there are no required classes for law school, there are several classes at CSU that help students become familiar with different areas of law:
- LB205 Contemporary Legal Studies
- POLS 410 Constitutional Law
- HDFS 403 Families in the Legal Environment
- JTC 415 Communications Law
- PHIL 110 Logic and Critical Thinking
This is a sample of the many law classes at CSU. Students can talk to their major advisor or the pre-law advisor to learn more about these classes.

Legal Studies Minor
CSU has a Legal Studies Minor which includes several legal classes. This minor can be paired with any major for students interested in attending law school. Visit the CSU Course Catalog for a complete list of class options. Students can sign up for the Legal Studies Minor with Gina Robinson, J.D.
Pre-Law Advisor
Gina Robinson, J.D., is the pre-law advisor and faculty member here at CSU. Please contact her with any questions: gina.robinson@colostate.edu.
Spring Office Hours:
Wednesdays, 11:00 am-1:00 pm
First contact with the pre-law advisor should be at the end of freshman year to learn more about the law school path.

Gina Robinson
- Pre-Law Advisor
Law schools recommend that applicants have a legal internship prior to applying. We can help students find an internship at the District Attorney’s Office, Public Defender’s Office, and some local law firms. Students can oftentimes get class credit for these internships.
The LSAT is the law school entrance exam. Students will take the LSAT the summer before applying to law school, typically the summer prior to senior year. CSU has a LSAT prep company that teaches the prep class on campus at a reduced price. Contact Gina Robinson, J.D. for more details.
Students can register for a free account and gain access to LSAT prep tools, information about different law programs, and even apply to law school.