Remembering Bob Lawrence, professor emeritus of political science

Bob Lawrence, professor emeritus in the Department of Political Science, passed away Oct. 8 at the age of 91. Those who knew the longtime Colorado State University professor said he was an inspiring figure, a powerful voice in political science — and a dear friend and mentor. Lawrence’s footprints linger within the halls of the […]

Hate in the Homeland: Speaker looks at surprisingly mainstream roots where far-right extremism is cultivated

On Oct. 17, author and scholar of extremism and radicalization Cynthia Miller-Idriss will speak at “Hate in the Homeland: Far Right Threats to Democracy and What We Can Do,” part of Colorado State University’s Thematic Year of Democracy.

CSU Thematic Year celebrates Democracy on the Plaza

  Colorado State University kicked off its Thematic Year of Democracy and Civic Engagement this past Thursday with an early celebration of International Day of Democracy on the Lory Student Center Plaza. The Thematic Year is a central university initiative that serves to highlight the incredible research, programs, academic initiatives, students, faculty and staff who […]