Why America Can’t Retrench (And How it Might)

Why America Can’t Retrench (And How it Might) by Peter Harris https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Why+America+Can’t+Retrench+(And+How+it+Might)-p-9781509562091 Even as growing polarization and hyper-partisanship define society and politics at home, American leaders seem to agree on one thing: US military dominance abroad is essential for national security and international stability. This is despite an upswing in popular support for “doing less” […]

Farmed Out: Agricultural Lobbying in a Polarized Congress

Farmed Out: Agricultural Lobbying in a Polarized Congress by Clare R. Brock https://global.oup.com/academic/product/farmed-out-9780197683804?cc=us&lang=en& Interest groups have a tremendous impact on public policy. Congressional capacity for research and fact-finding is at a historical low, and interest groups have rushed in to fill the gap. They effectively act as adjunct staffers by providing members of Congress with […]